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5 Quick Tips for Cleaning your Upholstered Couch
Kendra Bhada • Dec 22, 2022

There's nothing like curling up on a comfy, clean couch after a long day. But if your couch is looking a little worse for wear, then it may be time to give it some TLC.

Upholstered couches can be tricky to clean, but with the right tips and tricks, you can have yours looking as good as new in no time. Let's take a look at five quick and easy tips for cleaning your upholstered couch! 

1. Vacuum Regularly 

A regular vacuuming schedule will go a long way toward keeping your upholstery looking its best. Vacuuming removes dust, dirt, and other debris from the surface of the fabric, which prevents it from becoming stained or discolored over time. Aim to vacuum your couch once or twice a week depending on how often you use it—this will help keep dirt and allergens at bay too! 

2. Spot Clean Stains Immediately 

Accidents happen—especially when there are kids and pets around! Whenever you spot a stain on your upholstered couch, take care of it immediately. Blot the area with a damp cloth or sponge; don't rub or scrub as this can cause the stain to spread further into the fabric. If necessary, mix together one part dish soap with four parts warm water and use this solution to gently blot out the stain (just make sure to test it first in an inconspicuous area). 

3. Use Baking Soda to Deodorize and Refresh 

Baking soda is an amazing natural cleaner that can help deodorize and refresh your upholstered couch in just minutes! All you need to do is sprinkle baking soda over your entire cushion area (avoid sprinkling directly onto any wooden components) then let sit for about 10 minutes before vacuuming away all excess powder. The baking soda will absorb any unpleasant odors and leave behind a light fresh scent. 

4. Remove Dust with a Microfiber Cloth 

Dust particles can be difficult to remove with just vacuuming alone. To get rid of those pesky dust bunnies hiding in hard-to-reach spots, try using a dry microfiber cloth instead. Microfiber is great because it won't damage even delicate fabrics; plus, its electrostatic properties mean that dust particles are attracted to it easily so they're removed quickly without much effort on your part! 

5. Steam Clean once a Year 

Steam cleaning is one of the best ways to deep clean an upholstered couch—it penetrates deep into fabrics, killing bacteria and removing stubborn stains that regular cleaning methods cannot tackle. Hire a professional steam cleaner once per year (or more frequently if needed) to get rid of odors and ground-in dirt that has built up over time—your couch will thank you for it! 

How Often should you Clean my Couch?

Keeping your couch clean is essential for maintaining its appearance and extending its lifespan. Vacuuming once a week helps remove surface debris such as dust and pet hair while spot-cleaning any spills helps prevent permanent staining of the fabric material.

For tougher stains, consider steam cleaning or calling in a professional cleaner depending on how much work needs to be done on the piece of furniture. Taking care of your couch now means it will last longer down the road!

What are Some Common Types of Stains and How do I Remove them?

Coffee Stains 

The caffeine content in coffee makes it one of the most difficult stains to remove — but it is possible. Start by soaking up as much liquid as you can using a paper towel or cloth. Don't rub the area; instead, blot it gently until no more liquid comes out.

Once that's done, mix 1 tablespoon of white vinegar with 2 cups of warm water and apply it directly onto the stain. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes before blotting again with a damp cloth and then let it air dry. If any staining remains, repeat this process until the stain has been removed. 

Red Wine Stains 

Nobody wants their favorite white shirt ruined by red wine — fortunately, there is an easy fix! Begin by pouring club soda onto the stain and allowing it to soak for several minutes before blotting off any excess liquid with a paper towel or clean cloth.

Next, make a solution of 3 tablespoons dish soap and 1 tablespoon hydrogen peroxide before dabbing (not rubbing) it onto the stain using an old toothbrush or soft-bristled brush. Finally, rinse with cold water and wash according to its fabric care instructions — this should do the trick! 

Food Spills 

Food spills may seem impossible to remove but don't worry — they're actually quite easy! First, try scraping as much of the food away as you can using either a knife or spoon (depending on what type of surface you’re working on).

Then make a paste out of baking soda and water before applying it directly onto the affected area and leaving it overnight so that it can work its magic! In the morning simply wipe away any residue using warm water and watch your surface go back to looking like new! 

How do I Protect my Couch from Future Stains?

Fabric Protection 

One of the best ways to prevent future stains is by applying fabric protection to your couch. This will create an invisible layer that helps repel liquids, making it easier to clean up any eventual messes.

You can buy fabric protection treatments online or at home improvement stores and apply them yourself, or you can hire a professional cleaner who will use more advanced techniques and products. 

Protective Covers & Pillowcases 

Finally, consider investing in protective covers for your couch cushions as well as pillowcases for all throw pillows on the sofa. These covers are made from machine-washable materials like cotton or polyester/cotton blends that are designed specifically for protecting furniture against accidental spills and other stains.

They’re easy to put on and take off when necessary, so you don’t have to worry about having unsightly covers on display all the time. Plus, these covers help prolong the life of your pillows by providing an extra a layer of protection against wear and tear. 

No to Dirty Couches

Cleaning an upholstered couch doesn't have to be difficult or time-consuming; all you need are some simple tips and tricks! Vacuum regularly, spot clean stains immediately, use baking soda to deodorize & refresh, remove dust with a microfiber cloth and steam clean once per year—these five steps should keep your upholstery looking good as new all year round!

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