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How to Clean Your Carpet
Kendra Bhada • Jan 13, 2023

The carpet in your home is a significant investment, and it can sustain significant wear and tear over time. For your carpet to remain in top condition and to last as long as possible, regular cleaning and maintenance are necessary.

But with so many options for products and methods, it can be difficult to know where to begin. We'll go over the procedures you must follow in this guide to thoroughly clean your carpet and maintain its new-carpet appearance. We have you covered whether you want to do the work yourself or hire a pro.

Cleaning Checklist

  1. Vacuum cleaner:  To remove surface dirt and debris from your carpet, a strong vacuum cleaner is required.
  2. Carpet stain remover: Make your own carpet stain remover by combining equal parts water and white vinegar, or buy a commercial carpet stain remover.
  3. Carpet cleaning machine: To thoroughly clean your carpet, you can either buy or rent a carpet cleaning machine. Typically, these machines use hot water and a cleaning solution to get rid of dirt and stains from carpet fibers.
  4. Cleaning solution: Opt for a cleaning products that is both compatible with your carpet cleaning machine and safe for your carpet.
  5. Towels or old rags: When cleaning your carpet, you might need to blot or blot up any excess moisture with towels or old rags.
  6. Carpet protector: Consider using a carpet protector to help shield against spills in the future and make subsequent cleanings simpler.
  7. Old clothes: Put on some worn-out clothing that you don't mind getting dirty or wet while you clean.
  8. Gloves: To protect your hands from cleaning chemicals and dirt, you might want to wear gloves.
  9. Safety goggles: Wearing safety goggles while operating a carpet cleaning machine will shield your eyes from cleaning solutions splashing in your direction.
  10. Mask: To protect your airways if you are sensitive to cleaning chemicals, you may want to wear a mask.

Steam Cleaning

The removal of dirt, stains, and allergens from your carpet can all be accomplished with the help of steam cleaning. Here are some general tips for steam cleaning your carpet:

  1. Thoroughly vacuum the carpet to get rid of any loose dirt or debris.
  2. As directed by the manufacturer, fill the steam cleaner with water and add any suggested cleaning solution.
  3. Use a carpet stain remover to pre-treat any stains or areas that are extremely dirty.
  4. Work your way back toward the door after starting the steam cleaning process in the room's farthest corner. By doing this, you will avoid walking on the wet carpet and possibly dispersing the dirt.
  5. To ensure that the entire carpet is treated, use overlapping passes when using the steam cleaner.
  6. Before walking on the carpet or moving furniture, give it time to fully dry. Depending on the humidity and airflow in the room, this might take several hours or even a whole day.
  7. To get rid of any dirt or cleaning residue left over after the carpet has dried, vacuum it once more.

Before steam cleaning the entire carpet, it's a good idea to test a small, discrete area to ensure that the heat and moisture from the steam cleaner won't result in any discoloration or other unfavorable effects.


The removal of surface dirt and debris that can build up over time is one of the reasons vacuuming your carpet is a crucial step in the cleaning procedure. The carpet fibers may become matted and worn if the dirt and debris are not removed, which may result in lasting harm. Additionally, vacuuming aids in the removal of allergens, such as pollen and pet dander, which can be harmful to those who suffer from allergies.

Regularly vacuuming your carpet (at least once per week) can help to prolong its life and keep it looking clean and new. To get rid of as much surface dirt as you can, vacuuming is especially crucial before deep cleaning your carpet. By doing so, you can increase the effectiveness of the deep cleaning procedure and make sure your carpet gets thoroughly cleaned.

Spot Cleaning

Spot cleaning is a technique for getting rid of minor spills or stains on your carpet. To avoid spills and stains from setting in and getting harder to remove, they should be dealt with as soon as they occur. The steps for spot cleaning your carpet are as follows:

  1. Use a clean, dry cloth to blot the spill to take out as much of the excess moisture as you can.
  2. Use a commercial carpet stain remover or a homemade mixture of water and white vinegar to pre-treat the stain.
  3. Blot the stain with a white, clean cloth or sponge, working from the outside in to stop the stain from spreading.
  4. Clean the area with water, then pat it dry with a dry, clean cloth.
  5. If the stain doesn't go away, you might need to hire a professional carpet cleaner or use a carpet cleaning machine.

Never use a cleaning product without first testing it in a hidden area of the carpet to make sure it won't damage or discolor it.



It's possible to revitalize and thoroughly clean your carpet by shampooing it, but you must carefully read the shampoo's instructions and select it according to the type of carpet you have. Here are some general pointers for carpet shampooing:

  1. Thoroughly vacuum the carpet to get rid of any loose dirt or debris.
  2. Pick a shampoo for your carpet that is appropriate for the material. Shampoos are available for various carpet fiber types, including natural and synthetic fibers.
  3. For the suggested dilution ratio and dosage, refer to the instructions on the shampoo bottle.
  4. In accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, apply the shampoo to the carpet using a carpet cleaning machine.
  5. Before stepping on the carpet or moving the furniture, give it time to fully dry. Depending on the humidity and airflow in the room, this might take several hours or even a whole day.
  6. Once the carpet is completely dry, vacuum it once more to get rid of any dirt or cleaning residue that may have lingered.

Before shampooing the entire carpet, it's a good idea to test a small, hidden area to make sure there won't be any discoloration or other unfavorable effects from the shampoo.


Here are some quick actions you can take to assist your carpet's drying time after cleaning:

  1. To improve airflow in the space, open the windows and doors.
  2. Activate fans to promote airflow and hasten the drying process.
  3. To eliminate too much moisture from the air, use a dehumidifier.
  4. Till the carpet is completely dry, refrain from walking on it or moving the furniture.
  5. Avoid cleaning the carpet on a humid day or in a space with poor ventilation if at all possible as this may prolong the time it takes for the carpet to dry.

If the carpet is still damp after several hours or if it smells musty, mold or mildew may be growing there. In this situation, it's crucial to take care of the problem right away to avoid further harm to the carpet and perhaps even to your house.


Your carpet can be deodorized and unpleasant odors can be eliminated using a variety of techniques. Here are some possibilities:

  1. Baking soda: Sprinkle some baking soda on the carpet and leave it alone for at least 15 minutes before vacuuming it up. A natural deodorizer that can assist in absorbing and neutralizing odors is baking soda.
  2. White vinegar: In a spray bottle, combine equal parts water and white vinegar. Mist the mixture over the carpet. Before blotting it up with a fresh cloth, let it sit for a few minutes.
  3. Commercial carpet deodorizers: There are numerous commercial products on the market that are made with deodorizing carpets in mind. These can be sprayed directly onto the carpet and might work better than home remedies to get rid of strong odors.
  4. Professional cleaning: You might want to think about hiring a professional carpet cleaning service if the smell persists or if you are unable to locate the source of the smell. They can effectively eliminate odors from carpets thanks to their access to potent deodorizers and other treatments.

Along with employing these deodorizing techniques on your carpet, it's critical to identify the odor's origin and take precautions to stop it from happening again in the future. This may entail promptly cleaning up spills and messes, covering the carpet with mats and rugs, and ensuring that there is adequate airflow in the space to prevent the development of odors.

Facts about Carpet Cleaning

  • Regular carpet cleaning is necessary to avoid dirt and dust accumulation.
  • The most crucial step in carpet cleaning is vacuuming, which needs to be done at least once per week.
  • Deep cleaning techniques, such as steam cleaning, should be used when cleaning carpet.
  • To protect the fibers, use a gentle detergent when cleaning carpet.
  • Spot cleaning is crucial for getting rid of stubborn stains and ought to be done right away.
  • A dehumidifier should be used during carpet cleaning to lower the possibility of mold and mildew growth.
  • To reduce allergens, carpet cleaning should be done with a vacuum equipped with a HEPA filter.
  • To remove dirt and debris, a brush attachment should be used when cleaning carpet.
  • A wet/dry vacuum should be used when cleaning carpets to get rid of extra moisture.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are some common carpet-cleaning myths?

    Myth: To clean your carpet, use hot water.

    Fact: In actuality, hot water can harm your carpet by distorting or shrinking the fibers. When cleaning your carpet, warm water is preferred.

    Myth: Frequent cleaning will harm your carpet.

    Fact: By removing dirt and debris that can wear down the fibers, routine cleaning of your carpet can actually help to prolong its life.

  • What are the most common stains found on carpets in Florida?

    • Dirt and mud
    • Food and beverage spills, such as coffee, wine, or grease
    • Pet stains and odors
    • Blood
    • Ink
    • Rust
    • Grass

  • What are some red flags to watch for when hiring a carpet cleaner?

    • Prices seem low: If a business has significantly lower prices than its competitors, it may be using inferior cleaning supplies or cutting prices.
    • The company needs a big down payment: Avoid carpet cleaning companies that require a large deposit before starting work.
    • Uninsured business: An established carpet cleaning business should have liability insurance to protect itself and its clients.
    • The company does not provide written estimates. Before starting, provide a written estimate of services and costs.
    • The company is criticized. Customer reviews can indicate a company's work quality. A company with many negative reviews may be best avoided.

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